
In the Old Testament (Hebrew) there are 899 different words for the word give, and there are 243 different words in the New Testament (Greek). In our vernacular we would just minimize it to handing something over, but each rendition of the word “give” reveals what is being given. The most popular terms of the two languages reflect the term “surrender” in the OT and “to grant” in the NT. That’s interesting picture to think about.

The Old Testament is a repetitive calls Israel to surrender to God’s Word so He can lead and bless Israel. In the New Testament follows up with the power that is granted to us through the Spirit of God after we surrender.

2 Tim. 1:6-10

In verse 6 Paul’s words to Timothy were to fan into flame which could also be translated “reactivate”. Our belief in the gospel should be with us everyday, but sometimes we forget to cognitively choose to glorify God with our life and as a result we neglect to give freely.

My challenge is simple one for you today. Pay attention to what you are giving to others. A true thanksgiving is a confession of personal praise. Someone who does this well never leaves it merely words, but a lifestyle that produces joy as well as giving joy to others.

Holy and Common

Have you ever identified a standard between what is holy and what is not holy? Experiencing life as a believer causes us to develop a sense of identifying holy character and practices that reflect honor and love towards God. Being able to show honor and love toward God is not merely keeping away from sin, but identifying what is holy and what is common. One commentator expresses it this way, “The opposite of “holy” in the Old Testament is not sinful but “common.””1 Having this distinction keeps us from making up our own standard in which we worship God.

Ezekiel 44:20-23

Priest were given guidelines to follow, after ministering in the temple and before coming out in to the court with the people. To name a few they were to change out of their ceremonial garments and leave them in a holy chamber. They were prohibited from shaving their heads but also not allowed to have their hair too long. They were not allowed to drink alcohol in the inner court. They were also given guidelines of who they could marry. They could not marry a women who was divorced or a widow, but she must be a virgin of the house of Isreal or be a widow of a priest.

By holding to the standard of God rules they could then teach the people the difference between holy and common and distinguish between clean and unclean. Peter express that believers are a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9), and God calls us to live a life that is worthy of the calling (Ephesians 4:1). Seek God Word to build up your life so you can pay attention to what is common and what is holy. Otherwise we will approach God with no honor or love as well as no respect and minimize His power and leading on our life.

1 Hamilton, V. P. (1995). Ezekiel. In Evangelical Commentary on the Bible (Vol. 3, p. 586). Baker Book House.

The Enduring Path of Faith

Life can sometimes seem like a barrage of challenges. There are multiple causes and issues pleading for our attention and sometimes we miss an opportunity and experience defeat because it’s just too much handle. But our consistent focus towards our faith in Jesus can still be experienced and even grown in that moment despair or defeat.

Psalm 44

The people God expressed the history of God provision (Psalm 44:1-8) as well as the current condition of God’s rejection (Psalm 44:9-16). Even during the hardship of the absence of God’s favor with the effort of their own strength, they do not waiver from relying on God (Psalm 44:17-22), but it’s as thought they release their own efforts of their battles and direct all their effort to call out to God that He would save their soul.

We love moments that align with our faith and produce fruit in our life, but sometimes we minimize the consistent focus and endurance it takes to experience the fruit (Psalm 44:23-26).

You may be enduring the brunt force of a battle but stand on God word and promise to save your life for His glory regardless of what you may have to experience in order to proclaim your faith.


Environments can have a significant impact on the output of our life, as well as impacting the capabilities that we develop. We even have particular environments that we prefer to relax in. But environments are not the driving force of our lives.

Ezekiel 32:2-4

God compares Pharoah to a dragon of the seas, which many scholars identify as a crocodile. It’s been observed that crocodiles can be just as fast out of the water as they are in the water, which is about 18 to 22 MPH. The average human can run 12 to 15 MPH, so according to the science crocodiles could hunt humans rather easily if they wanted to. But crocodiles prefer to hunt in water rather than on land.

Out of this passage we need to acknowledge God and His strength that He deserves. God plucked Pharoah out of his ideal environment, and He made Pharaoh experience the that power He holds. Paul expresses that HIs power is eternal and divine in nature (Romans 1:8-20). Which mean He holds authority, freedom of action and retribution. How we acknowledge God properly is through giving Him our honor and thanks to Him (Romans 1:21). The honor and thanks we give need to and can be given through any environment that we experience. When do that we experience God.

The Pride of Beauty

When we read the Old Testament there are a lot of stories and interactions between God and people. Although these stories are not written about us but to us, it is vital to our relationship with the Lord that we pay attention to characteristics that destroy principals and erode our relationship with Christ.

Ezekiel 28:17

God spoke through Ezekiel to the leader of Tyre and what holds in my mind was the connection of his pride by holding to his own beauty and that caused a corruption of wisdom. It’s not that his wisdom left him but that he misused it and God brought out the result of failure and destruction as well as the truth of his motive to be seen.

I pray that we would not be driven by our pride and beauty of life that God blesses us with, but that we see it as a blessing from Him in which worship and proclaim His glory.


Romans 12:1-3

When we prioritize our relationship with God one clear blessing we receive is being able to identify when God is against someone or even against us. Knowing the position of God allows us to focus our the disciplines we have to meet a standard.

Three areas are affected by the disciplines we build up. Our bodies are affected by the lifestyle we engage in, we limit and direct what goes in our mind , and we surrender our will to make God’s will known.

Refining and furthering these three disciplines will all hinge on us being aware on how we are presenting ourselves. We need to continually allow God to the reasons for our actions, the center of our mind and fully submissive to His will.

Relationship & Responsibilities

Proverbs 2:1-5

Relationships our a huge foundation of who we all are, as well as being a leading factor of the responsibilities we take on in life. I believe every action God makes is directly correlated with a relationship that He either has or wants to have. So I desire to live in a manner that allows my relationships to direct my responsibilities. And the standard of a relationship is the one I have with God the Father.

Where relationship tend to find a struggle is when we neglect the responsibilities that are produced because of a relationship or putting my own self-serving responsibilities above relationships.

Proverbs 2:1 starts off with identifying the relational positions of a father and son. This should tell us that every instruction that comes from after that is for the strengthening of the son. With the proper desire of a relationship in place we can see the tools that are given to help take care of responsibilities that will come our way.

Keep going to God for wisdom and seek it like it like the resource you use to care of all your responsibilities.

What feed your attitude and speech?

1 Peter 2:1-5

This short passage gives a focused call for believers to pay attention to their attitude and speech, so we can stay focused on the purpose that we have been called to live for. Which is to have joy in this life because of the salvation that will be given to us in the next life.

Peter wrote that we should “long for the spiritual milk that by it you may grow up into salvation” (1 Peter 2:2). This statement does mean that we keep or earn our salvation through what we do in life, but rather he is saying that we will live a certain way because of the salvation that is promised to us.

We need to stay hungry for God’s word so our mind can see past our circumstances and keep our attitude and words feeding off the strength of God’s Spirit that is with us each day. Because His salvation is what feeds our attitude and speech.

Pray for God to give you deeper clarity in your life rather than just an understanding of words on a page.


Life is an amazing blessing. God has given us breath and strength to experience everything that He has placed on the earth. The challenge comes when we have to choose a path which tends to guide and sometimes limit our experiences. But sometimes in that process we “whitewash” some areas of our life, to either attract attention or to detract attention, or minimizing problems by trying to minimize the value or impact of the problem.

When Jesus uses the term whitewash, He expresses it with a stern warning to the religious leaders of the day. He called them “whitewashed tombs” (Matt 23:27). A place that was designed to be beautiful and attract attention from all who could see it and Jesus uses this term as though they were trying covering up what a tomb really is, a place where dead people are placed to rot.

Becoming whitewashed happens when we elevate the experience of life past be a blessing from God, to show His power and love for us. Although the experience of life should be appreciated a simple experience is never strong enough to be the guiding power. Take steps with God’s Word so your life be cleansed and not merely whitewashed holding in the rotting sickness.

The Lord is our Memorial

When Israel was in bondage by Egypt, God presented Moses with a phrase and a name for Israel to know Him by. God instructed Moses to tell Israel “I Am who I Am” sent him and God also referred to himself as “The Lord, the God of your fathers” which is Yahweh and is referred to be a memorial name for God. It always reminded Israel of what God did for them in the past.

Exodus 3:13-15

As a father myself, I desire to acknowledge and express my love and desire for God, but knowing that if I am not consistent in acknowledging God for who He is and the impact He has had on my life the meaning of memorials for God will be lost with my children.

As we experience our 50th anniversary weekend let us not erode the foundation that God has laid for us and is calling us to build upon to proclaim His name “through out the generations “.

What Marks You

In Ezekiel 9:4 God commands one of His servants to put a mark on every Israelite that “sighs and groans over all the abominations” that Israel had been committing. In the verses that followed other servants were to come behind and kill all who did not bare the mark, but those who had the mark were to be spared.

It could be argued that some followers of Jesus today are simply known by the same mark of the Israelites who were sighing and groaning over the committed abominations. But this is not the call of Jesus. Jesus said they “will know you are my disciples if you have love for one another” (John 13:35). So what believers do you have around you; that you are doing more with, than just tolerating and share a geographical place together for a little more than an a hour? Who are you checking on, and giving effort towards to show love to? This makes the community of God contagious and desirable.

If we are truly marked by Jesus than we should also be leaving a mark that reflects the love that we received with His mark. Another warning to pay attention to back in Ezekiel 9:4-6 is that the servants of God were to start in the sanctuary of God with the marking as well as the destruction of those without the mark. Pay attention to the mark that is on you and the mark that you are leaving behind.

Faith Over Fear

Maybe you’ve seen the phrase “Faith Over Fear” somewhere on a wall or on the back of a car, but what does that really look like lived out as a person? I believe there is a very strong clue to seeing someone who has the ability to live out faith over fear. One of the queues are found in a person’s speech.

Ezekiel 2:1-10

Ezekiel understood the ability of God to be sovereign, able to make choices and produce the abilities of a choice. But have you ever thought of the weight of the word sovereign? In our day in age we would say ‘they are a sovereign nation’, the worldly description of sovereign is basically an agreement to identify authority amongst a people group and their ability or opportunity to defend their own people or land. This statement is limited to a group of people occupying a particular land. But Jesus said that salvation through man “is impossible, but with God all things are possible” (Matt. 19:26) I think it’s interesting that Jesus says that the one ability man does not have is to create ultimate salvation for himself, but with God there is no limitation towards anything.

To be truly meaningful and direct you must first be able to verbalize your actions before committing the action. Fatih is not based off a thought of our creation but the Word and desire of God. If you’re going to have faith over fear, you must put God’s word over the your life and anything the world gives to you.

Opportunity vs Position

As we experience life there seems to always be an interesting balance between opportunity and position or the title that we’re known by. More times than not a position will probably always hold a little bit of an upper hand to lead to an opportunity but that is not always the case and we should not thrive to only live for a position.

When God showed up with a call for Ezekiel, there were four fascinating cherubim that were described in description and abilities. There description give in Ezekiel 1:10-14 is like no other creature that lives on earth, but one thing that sticks out to me is that each of their bodies were cover by a pair wings. It is very likely that the bodies of the cherubim where covered up because they were positioned around the throne of God (Ezekiel 1:26). In the last part of the first chapter Ezekiel’s response was to cover his face by falling on the ground, as God’s throne gets closer.

When people have their focus on a position it tends to be driven by the power of pride. But when that power of position is bridled with showing the honor of an opportunity we will have a humble covering of ourselves to work with the opportunity that is given to us.

As Ezekiel, the priest followed God’s instruction for him, one little thing that doesn’t plainly jump out to you unless you’re paying attention is that God never calls Ezekiel by name it’s always “son of man” which means son of Adam, who was the fallen man who was separated from God, but yet God still calls out. What a reminder to stay focused on the opportunity that comes and not the position we wish and hope to have.

Desiring God

There are moments when we really feel the pressure of life when it comes to all the different things we need to get done coupled with what we want to get done. This pressure can be weakening to the point of collapse. When we get to this moment in life we tend to think we just need to take a breather and clear our schedule to receive some rest, which may be true. But there is something more amazing than breaks from a worldly schedule. This moment is only found when desiring God and leading a life to glorify God.

In Isaiah 2:1-5, the prophet describes a time of peace because people desired God (“many people will come and say, ‘Come let us go up to the temple of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways that we may walk in his paths’.” Isaiah 2:3). Not only will people desire God, but this peace will be installed without war and people will turn tools of war into tools of agriculture, all because a desire and hunger for God was pursued. When we take steps to pursue God, His Spirit does the imaginable through us and with us. Start taking steps that fill the worry of how, with the desire of God.

Endgame Focus

Are we interpreting what God has given us properly?

When we get something new, whether it be a gift, a new tool or some type of appliance, our minds jump to a result of now having possession of whatever item it be. This forward directional thought could be you wearing the clothing item that was gifted to you for a special occasion. Or knowing that certain jobs will now be a little easier or faster because the new tool you now have. Inside the brief moment you’re anticipating an endgame result, a desirable achievement.

As believers we proclaim that all good things come from God. So when we receive something new we need to make sure we’re identifying God’s provision and our value of Him in our life.

Maybe at first glance this seems like a difficult concept or a nit picking perspective. But if our immediate response is being thankful to God for giving us good close friends who care and love us, we will show the proper gratitude and actions to strengthen friendships that encourage us in the Lord (Heb. 10:24).

If our endgame focus never leaves the promise of eternal life and the command to share the gospel with others around us, the joy of the new things we get can guide us to a creative and impactful life of using our blessings to benefit others. As well as introducing them to the gospel of Jesus so they can be encouraged to live life with Christ.

A Twisted Vision

Have you ever misinterpreted what you thought to be a pathway to an opportunity and instead it was revealed as a path to a place of bondage? Our minds have an incredible ability to envision amazing life goals or desirable destinations. But one element that we need to be aware of is making sure that what we envision lines up with God’s provision for our life.

So are you consulting God before embarking on what you envision? Are you praying for God’s guidance in every step of the process? If we don’t glorify and honor God above our desires, we will allow Satan to twist and pervert the path to achieve a life that God intended for us, while leading us into bondage.

Check out these two passages in the seventeenth chapter of Ezekiel.

Ezekiel 17:3-6 This passage is depicting a change in location, as well as a change in focus of leadership (hint: who does the eagle represent?)

Ezekiel 17:22-23 This passage gives a clear declaration of what God desires to do for His people.

In Ezekiel 17:11, Ezekiel is told to give God’s explanation of the meaning of the first vision that looks like the peaceful promise of God but is the bondage of oppression. Satan doesn’t need you to fully reject God, he just needs you to think you’re headed in the direction of a pleasant life that looks like the peace God provides.

The Vine

There are two particular passages of Scripture that talk about God’s people being a vine. The first passage is the entire fifteenth chapter of Ezekiel (which is only eight verses long- Ezekiel 15). It is not a flattering description of live by, since God is telling the Israelites that they have become a worthless vine that is only good for fire wood, “because they have acted faithlessly” (Ezekiel 15:8).

The second passage in John 15:1-17 is a plea from Jesus for those who believe and follow Him by living by His standard of life, because He is the vine and He wants us to receive the fruit of life that is produced in Him. Which is only expereinced by please the Father which is only done by living a life according to His Word.

One interesting thing to know about vines is, if you were to look up a digram or definition of a vine you would discover that the vine is the entirety of the plant. It is not one particular part of the plant. Jesus refers to us as the branch which is one particular of a vine plant. It’s imagery of us being an extension of Himself if we abide the entirety of our life in Him.

You would also find out that there essentially two types of vines. One type runs along ground producing fruit or vegetables that can hand sitting on the ground, but only for a limited time. The second type of vine needs support so that the fruit that is produced stays off the ground and doesn’t a strain the entire plant. It is also pruned so that less fruit produced, but that fruit will be bigger and more flavorful.

So which vine are you choosing to be. One that runs along the ground of the earth seeming to be free? Or are you choosing to be a vine that needs and accepts support?The support that we will receive the support of God the Father, the vine dresser, who gave and edified life to Jesus in exchange for the earthly life He had.

Truth Impacts Your Endurance

The discovery of the commodities of the earth were a very valuable impact to our lives. I would be willing to bet we are not truly aware pf the amount of raw materials we use and rely on from day to day. Just like we use commodities of the earth, there are character commodities that we need strengthen and hone in for the impact of our faith. One of the biggest ones we need is endurance.

Endurance can be a challenging commodity to build up. The effectiveness of our endurance is dependent on the truth that we are focused on. Hebrews 10:34 expresses that believers of Christ, who hold the truth of receiving “a better possession and an abiding one” in the life to come, are willing to endure and show compassion to those in prison and willing to joyfully accept plundering. The writer of Hebrews continues to urge readers to “not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you have need of endurance so that when you have done the will of God you may receive what is promised.” Hebrews 10:35-36

As much as we need commodities of our character we should never neglect the work that needs to be done to produce the use and strength of our endurance so we can reflect what we know to be true.

Where are you with Christ?

There are four unique moments found in the gospel of John that the disciples experience with Jesus. We would be wise to pay attention to the pattern and progress of the relationship between the disciples and Jesus, to better insure the direction and effort of our own relationship with Jesus.

The first level would be “seekers” found in John 1:39. I believe we do this level best when we allow the knowledge of God to feed our genuine search for truth over our desire. The second is “followers” found in John 1:43. This level happens rather quickly after seeking. Our lives reflect what we are committed whether we are aware of it or not. The third level is “servants” in John 13:16. To be a servant as Christ was, is to serve when you truly don’t have to, but you want to. Lastly we see the level of “friendship” that Jesus brings them into in John 15:15. A true definition of friendship is wanting to know all that a friend is willing share, and share all you can with a friend.

The steps that we take with Christ will reflect us seeking Him, following Him, serving Him and being friends with Him. As we take steps with Christ we will ultimately build our desire for His friendship that will allow to live through His strength. Discern where you are with Christ so you can progress your relationship with Christ.

Light of the Eyes

Proverbs 15:30 expresses that “the light of the eyes rejoices the heart”. There are some people who’s eyes can’t even attempt to withhold the joy that they have inside them. It’s almost as though their eyes alone draw us into their life, so we can discover what makes their joy so vibrant.

This joy spreads to our heart, but when we are separated from them, a battle creeps in and tries suffocate our ability to seek after joy. The only way to stay strong in this battle is to hold onto and remember “good news”.

This verse closes with an outcome that “good news refreshes the bones”. We need to hold every thought captive to obey Christ (1 Cor. 10:5), that regardless of our circumstances the good news of Jesus is producing strength in our lives right now. This prepares us to share good news of a promised life to come that is truly the light of life right now.

Check out Job 33:30, Psalm 56:13 and John 8:12. These verses are a call to lead in your life in the path of Christ.