Conclusion or Assumption

Have ever had a moment when you realized you arrived to the wrong conclusion. Maybe concerning your child or a friend. This is where we find Herod the tetrarch when he hears about the works of Jesus.

The difference between a conclusion and an assumption is the work in the middle. A conclusion has a process that allows us to take in data, weigh it against truth and experience to bring us to a stated outcome. An assumption usually has minimal to no work to back up a chosen “conclusion” or outcome.

Herod had heard of the miraculous works of Jesus, but jumped to the assumption that John the Baptist, who he had beheaded, had risen from the dead and this is how he defined Jesus. But Herod was assuming this and didn’t do the work to see who Jesus really is.

Matthew 14:1-12

In verse 9 we see that Herod was sorry for the position he was in, having to commit John the baptist to being beheaded. Clearly Herod had a lingering conscience that he never worked on, but continued to live a self-centered life. Because he skipped the work he could not conclude the meanings of the actions of Jesus. This caused him to covered up the Jesus with a false assumption.

The term conscience is used only 29 times in scripture, one time in the Old Testament, in 1 Samuel 24:5 and twenty eight times in the New Testament, mainly all them from Paul, who had good reason to have a heavy conscience. But despite Paul’s life of killing followers of Jesus, he becomes quite the encourager of living a life with faith and a good conscience (1 Timothy 1:19).

Paul goes so far to say that “I have lived my life before God in all good conscience up to this day” (Acts 23:1). He can say this because he did the work to find out and believed that “if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” (2 Corinthians 5:17).

Pray for the work that you need to do, in order to come to clear and truthful conclusions that allows you to identify Jesus in your life as well as leading your life.

The Focus of Pride

There tends to be a social avoidance of prideful individuals and to that same token there is an healthy avoidance of people being prideful. But the reality is that we all have pride. We just all use it in different ways.

We need to pay attention to the power of pride and use it for gospel. The focal point of your pride is merely the answer to what you boast about the most. Psalm 34:2 says “My soul makes its boast in the Lord; let the humble hear and be glad.” The joy we experience as followers of Christ, should definitely be a consistent topic of our speech.

Paul makes this argument to the church in Corinth two separate times (1 Cor. 1:31, 2 Cor 10:17). This statement has another Old Testament root found in Jeremiah.

Jeremiah 9:23-24

If our pride were to be guided by God, we would boast in our understand of God and proclaim His ability of “steadfast love, justice and righteousness in the earth” Take steps to share the love, justice and righteousness that you have experienced in His word allowing God to lead your life.

Days of Wisdom

Our days are filled with an assortment of task to complete. And even inside the progress of those task there can be multiple items to complete. We run dow the list of these items because our vision is harnessed by something that we are expectant for. The same is true of gaining wisdom form God. We hold God’s Word as our source of wisdom because we are expectant of what He has for us in this life and the next (1 Tim. 4:8).

Proverbs 9:9-12

Some might want to argue that the position and ability to give an instruction is the source of power. But the wisdom we gain is for ourselves, according to Scripture. Many people don’t want to be told what to do, but receiving instruction does not take away from us but continues to build us up.

Not only does wisdom build us up, it adds and multiplies days to our life. The focus of this wisdom is the fear of the Lord and knowledge of the Holy One. Use your days to know the Lord so your life can work for the Lord.

Evidence of Wisdom

There are several signs that reflect that someone has obtained wisdom. We tend to refer to the accolades that individuals achieve to represent the wisdom they’ve obtained coupled with their discipline to refine their ability. Solomon expressed that wisdom would be as jewels adorned around our neck (Proverbs 3:22). But a deeper reflection of knowledge are the attributes expressed in a lifestyle.

Proverbs 3:21-26

This passage causes us to lean on God to keep His Word in our sight, so we can experience life in our soul. This culminates in a wide rage of healthy strength, confidence and rest in all ares of our life. I believe we all want to obtain a healthy amount of all these attributes. People that we admire, truly exude strength, confidence and peaceful rest and pace towards life.

We may experience a portion of these attributes in our life. But if we’re not experiencing all of them, then we might be more motived in life by worldly desires rather than desiring God.

Pray for God’s wisdom to become the light to your path of life.

The Founder of Salvation

Many people come to church on Easter Sunday to hear the gospel of Jesus. But Easter is more than just a time of hearing the proclamation of who Jesus is. It is a time for all people to make a decision about Jesus Christ.

Discerning through the strength of Jesus is the determining factor of His impact on our lives and through our lives as believers or even unbelievers. In Hebrews 2:10 we see the claim that He is the “founder”of salvation. This Greek word archēgos, can also be interpreted as “Captain” or Originator”. One commentator said Founder” is almost equivalent in some respects to the English word “Pioneer.”1 He is doing something that no has done nor will do again, but He calls all people to join Him.

The reality of the strength of Jesus, is that it produces strong beliefs about Him in people. These statements can just as easily be in favor of Christ as they can be against Christ.

Hebrews 2:14-18

When individuals accept the salvation that only Jesus gives, the weight of His power and glory is truly understood and we see the help given to us. “…through death he might destroy the one who has the power over death, that is, the devil, and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery.” Hebrews 2:14-15

Pray that God would build up your strength in Him so we can all truly be an extension of His body that can only grow when functioning properly.


Meditation has seemed to be a lost art. We may hear about some people meditating, and we all probably imagine someone sitting in a room, on the floor, with our legs crossed and just taking some deep breaths. But there is more it than just sitting in a quiet place, to escape the noise. It is a time to center your mind on the foundation in which live your life.

God’s Word expresses many individual’s meditating. Several key Israelite leaders were seen meditate Isaac, David, Solomon and Joshua, just to name a few. Joshua’s call for the Israelites to meditate was contingent on their life being successful. Here’s what he said.

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Joshua 1:8

What we need to know today, is that, it’s not that you are meditating, but it’s what we are meditate on. When I fallow passages like Psalm 1:2, which directs to meditate on God’s Word day and night, I have to identify His attribute and power that I see in my own life. Paul states that we all can see God’s invisible attributes in Romans 1:20 and we are all without excuse to not know that God exist and that he has wisdom to give to us.

So mediate on God’s Word to discern and discover where He is guiding you to go and what He is guiding you to do.

What Is Your Motivation

It is an important step to identify your motivation. The focus of our motivation is directly tied to the goals we have for our life.

When it comes to our goals we probably don’t mind just sitting around and thinking about them. Some companies even encourage their employees to spend up to 20% of their work week just daydreaming, Google and 3M have publicized their policies. They claim some of their most innovative products come from them freeing up the minds of their employees.

The motivation of Paul’s writings present a good foundation that reveal practical perspectives and steps that we need to follow, in order to follow Christ.

Paul wrote that we are to live a blameless life “before Him” (Eph. 1:4). For this to come a reality, we have to know that ever thought we ponder and every action we make cannot escape God’s awareness. This is a challenging concept if we are walking merely by sight.

This lifestyle is only lead by the wisdom that is given to those who seek God’s Word. Paul identifies the redemption and forgiveness that we receive from a life that is lived out of a faith in Jesus Christ (Eph. 1:7-9).

So what is your motivation based off of. Something physically scene in this life or a wisdom that chased and lived out in this life for a trusted reward in the next life.

The Apple of the Eye

The process of keeping something as the apple of your eye, produces a particular behavior that shows what is in the center of your focus. Proverbs 7:1-3

The Hebrews word is ʾî·šôn, which means center, was used to reference the center of the eyeball, where the pupil is located as well as our attention. When something is in the center, the other items around it can compliment and express the importance of what is in the center.

When we keep the knowledge of God’s word as the apple or focus of our life, we can do the three things that Solomon mentions in the first two verses before

The first thing is to “keep it”. When we keep things in the center we not only know where it is, but we also see the other elements that we place around it, but do not cover it up so we always know where it is.

Secondly we “guard it”. When we treasure something we protect the use of it. We might lend it out, but we’re cautious of who we lend it to. So we have some assurance and hope, that it will not be broken.

Lastly we follow it. As God’s Word is in the center, there are instruction that we gather the more we go through it.

God’s word is not something just to be looked or to be in proximity of. We need to study it, guard against things that will draw us away from it and follow the path it highlights for us to follow Jesus.

Controlled Speech

It is a powerful strength to be able to control your speech. Not only does is reflect our ability of self control but it allows us to reflect where our hope comes from.

Proverbs 29:20

Solomon warns us to refrain from being hasty with our speech, because if we are hasty we may not be in a position of having no hope at all. The hope that we have in Christ allows to share truth from a position of peace and joy. Otherwise we are speaking only to hold a position of being right, and many times we want that position as quickly as possible.

James 3:2

James wrote that an individual who does not stumble in what they say, is perfect. Not only that, but that person is able to control their whole body. By being in control, it’s not that we let go of a chance to express ourselves, but we give the Spirit an opportunity to impact how we interact with others.

Pray for God to slow your speech, so that the hope we have in Him can be expereinced by you and given through you.

How do you keep the grace of God in front of you?

This is a challenging concept to approach. Without the experience of discipline this concept can seem impossible. The strength and effort that comes out of us is forever distracted or interrupted and many times never strong enough.

Even though the grit and tenacity that people are capable of, there’s still something else that needs to be present.

When joy is a part of our life equation, the motivation of that joy is the key to the focus and effort from our lives.

1 Peter 1:1-7

In the beginning of Peter’s letter to the believers who were displaced to many different regions, he expresses that the desire of his letter is that God would be blessed because of the salvation that is imperishable, undefiled and unfading. His heart felt description of salvation came from knowledge and experience he had with Christ.

Having this motivation of joy will not only get you through challenging times, but it push our focus to what God has promised after this life. This focus is what motivates us to live for God grace with all of our life.

What Balances Your Life?

It takes a consistent desire of God’s word to discover the knowledge that leads to a balanced life. Many times the way to achieving a balanced life is to allow some time to pass between task and goals, so we don’t become overwhelmed. But constant intake of God’s Word can subtly but quickly allow balance to come to you.

There are two statement that can be found in Psalm chapter eight and nine that help produce a balance to life.

Psalm 8

When we experience life we can feel over whelmed with all the different facets attached to our life. But one of the most calming and encouraging things is the support that someone has from someone else. David was sure to acknowledge support that comes from God. He is mindful of us and cares for us. Along with God caring for us, He has given mankind dominion over His creation. When we put support together with ability, we cable of enduring and succeeding against challenges of life.

Psalm 9

The second statement could be considered as being on the opposite side of being in control. David builds up the need for God’s righteous action towards those who act as though they are in a godless nation as the unrighteous appose the righteous. David expresses that God should remind them that they are mere men, and God created them.

So the same God that made man and gave us dominion over all of creation, is called upon to remind men who are out of balance that they are mere men. God’s Word can produce balance in our life, but only if it is the means of which we direct the focus of our life.

Pray for God to build up your desire for His Word and see how God will bring balance into your life.

Growth Through Secrecy

There is a saying we’ve all heard while grow up. When you hear the statement as an adult it might sounds a little backwards. The statement is “secrets don’t make friends”. There’s a lot of adults out there who hold the standard of “if you can’t keep my secrets than we can’t be friends.” Some people may have a hard time flirting with other individuals who are not their spouse, or cheating on their taxes. Regardless what it is we all have thoughts or actions that we’ve committed in secret.

Jesus repeats one statement three times during the sermon on the mount about secrecy and expresses an instruction to us about secrecy. Jesus expressed that God is in secret and sees in secret.

Matthew 6:4, 6 ,17-18

Our relationship with God has a personal element that is only grown through an environment that mirrors secrecy. I say that, because what we find out about God is not kept secret, but what He means to us is personal and important like a secret. So we humbly come to Him wanting gain the knowledge He whispers to those who are willing to listen. Whispers are only heard in quiet secluded places where we can focus on one thing.

When we listen and accept His knowledge, the actions of our life become secret, and we desire to give to others not so that we may be seen, but that God may be seen and we are able to give all glory to Him.

God's Reflective Character

The characteristics of the heart can be seen more quickly than we care to acknowledge. Jesus reveals four characteristics during the early portion of the sermon on the mount. At first glance we might just identify how to avoid the problematic scenarios, but there is more strength to be gained.

Matthew 5:27-48

The first characteristic values friendship over an offense. If we fail to forgive and merely avoid an individual, we secretly water the same see that Jesus says produces murder.

The second characteristic produces self-control that avoid the selfish craving of lust, whether it be the lust of skin or stuff. The desire of our eyes cannot have control over the love of our hearts.

The third characteristic expresses gratitude of the use of God creation with with respect and acknowledgement. The Pharisees would swear by heave, earth or Jerusalem to avoid using God’s name but rather using what He has created instead. They were also known for going back on the their word by expresses that “God Himself had not been involved their oaths were not binding”

The last characteristic and maybe the strongest one that Jesus expresses that His followers should have is love for their enemies. I don’t want to ignore the tension that comes with this phrasing when one nation can be at war with another nation. It should be noted that every time this statement appears in scripture, it is referring to an incident between two separate individuals who are both Israelites and never two people groups.

The righteous have no need to retaliate to get even but if action is to be take it was to keep responses in balance of the situation. Jesus continues with the same parameters that should also love our enemies in spite of persecution.

God is perfect in showing love as he cause it to rain on the just and the unjust. Therefore allowing food to grow for those who love Him, who will love Him or even those who actively hate Him.

Pray that God will build up His character in us that His glory maybe seen.

  1. Barbieri, L. A., Jr. (1985). Matthew. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Vol. 2, p. 31). Victor Books.

Jesus talks about anger

Matthew 5:21-26

Anger is an emotion that God has given us. Paul expressed “Be angry and do not sin” (Eph 4:26), this standard of control may seem impossible for some but when our perspective is aligned with God’s Word there is a value and understanding that purifies our outlook.

The term that Jesus uses for “angry” means “a settled anger, malice that is nursed inwardly.”1 This type of causeless anger grows and affects our responses to others. Jesus points out the deepness of our anger and the damage it produces, because we have allowed our hearts to take in evil and to act because of it. Yet another reason to keep or guard your heart, for from it flow the spring of life (Proverbs 4:23).

A second perspective of anger along with being aware of our own anger, is that we are to be aware if we are the cause of someone else’s anger. This makes us an active part of our community and preserve the strength that God pours out on His people.

Filter your thoughts from baseless anger and keep an awareness of your engagement with others so that you may keep your life worthy of the calling that you have been called (Ephesians 4:1).


Matthew 5:1-16

The Beatitudes are more than just a interesting title of some blessings spoken by Jesus. The Beatitudes come from the Latin term beatus which means blessings, but this term was never used in referring to a blessing towards humans. The type of blessing it referred to is describing the kind of joy experienced only by the (Greek) gods or the dead… implying an inner satisfaction and sufficiency that did not depend on outward circumstances for happiness.1 This is the life that our faith produces that holds us steadfast in presence of all adversity.

When we realize the weight in which the people would have recieved this teaching, it really allows us to understand what Jesus is leading people to do and what He is promising.

Walking a life of faith with Jesus builds up and directs our attitude in life. Warren Wiersbe expresses four different areas we need to focus our attitude towards. Our attitude towards ourselves (Matthew 5:3), sin (Matthew 5:4-6), the Lord (Matthew 5:7-9) and the world (Matthew 5:10-16).

Out of the four of these areas, the first one is a crucial concept to understand in order to properly understand the others. Jesus said “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” The phrasing “poor in spirit” is not someone who is empty of courage or self-worth, but someone who sees themselves in a honest perspective and trying to be themselves for the glory of God. More times than not we think of ourselves as more capable than we actually are. James expressed that “every good gift and every perfect gift comes from above” (James 1:17) Everything we give to others should reflect our strength that hold through are faith in Christ, from gifts we give to the attitude we portray and everything we give is the light that allows others to see Jesus.

Pray for God to give you the knowledge to understand your direct your attitude in life so that His glory maybe magnified.

1 Wiersbe, W. W. (1996). The Bible exposition commentary (Vol. 1, p. 21). Victor Books.

Self Awareness

This time of the year seems to be enjoyable because of the strong possibility of a break in normal schedule and a less amount of tasks to be completed before the start of the new year. This down time frees up your mind to think freely and usually results in some self-reflection and life direction. The result of this time for a believer should be joyful, because of our reflection on what God has done through us with our faith as well as producing excitement in us to experience where He will takes us.

Psychology calls this thought process Self-Awareness Theory, This definition has been around for several decades. This theory is not just the ability of being aware of your surroundings, but thinking objectively about yourself and discerning whether you are meeting the standard you hold yourself to. Secondly it challenges us to ask ourselves how we can perform better according to the standard.

One thing we need to be aware of concerning this theory is that we experience this thought process all the time. It’s not just an end of the year feeling, but it is a part of human DNA. As believers this theory is experienced and the standard is known by putting God’s Word in front of us daily. In Proverbs 28 Solomon expressed the thought of a standard contrasted between one who keeps the law and one who chooses evil. As we keep His law we will experience the promises found in God’s Word, like Prov. 28:20 “A faithful man will abound with blessings.”

Pray for your life to be strengthened and lead by your faith in God and His Word to produce your blessings. Rather than the outcome of the wordly standard that ignores God’s laws and way of life.

A Life Revealed

Luke 1:35-38

It’s interesting to notices all the events that lead to the outcome of the birth of Jesus or anything else that is foretold from God’s Word. The Old Testament revealed attributes about the Messiah, which Jesus fulfilled. The Savior was going to be human (Gen. 3:15), He would be of Jewish decent (Gen. 12:1-3; Num. 24:17), He would be of the tribe of Judah (Gen. 49:10), and of the family of David (2 Sam 7:1-17), born of a virgin (Isa. 7:14), and He was to be born in Bethlehem, the cit of David (Micah5:2).

The details that we discover in God’s Word will give us inspiration for our lives and that inspiration will find strength in God’s direction. When Mary was told of her pregnancy that would bring forth Jesus, her response was to the angel was “Behold I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” This was the start of her surrender, which lead to more than just prophecy but a life giving adventure.

The service we give in life should be motivated to reveal attributes we know of Jesus, for those around us to see. In the services that you preform how can Jesus be revealed? Maybe it’s just an alteration of motivation, but maybe it’s a change of service altogether.

Pray for God’s call on your life to be as evident as Mary’s call.

God's Rule

How do you think of the kingdom of God?

When we hear the word kingdom, it is easy to think of a metropolitan location and maybe even a grand palace where the royal family lives. The same is likely of christians when they think of the kingdom of God. Sometimes a characteristic of older christians is their desire to be welcomed into heaven and the presence of God. This is an expected promise, but our belief and acceptance of God’s Word is another element of God’s kingdom that can be overlooked.

Matthew 3:1-10

The word for kingdom in this passage is “basileia, points fundamentally to God’s rule, not to the realm over which he rules.”1 God’s rule is not limited to geographical locations. When we understand this we can find His mercy that is given to us. If we misunderstand this or refuse to understand God’s rule, we leave ourselves open to the power of prideful knowledge that John comforts the Pharisees and Sadducees with in verse 10.

The realization and acceptance of God’s rule is not merely a location, but leading and interaction with our lives that allows us to bear the fruit that keeps us with repentance (Matthew 3:9).

  1.  Chamblin, J. K. (1995). Matthew. In Evangelical Commentary on the Bible (Vol. 3, p. 727). Baker Book House.

Lamp & Light

Proverbs 6:20-23

The commandments of God which are referred to as a lamp, is the starting point of faith in Jesus Christ. A lamp will allow you to see an ambient area not necessarily around you but around the lamp. Following a command will allow you to be safe in the immediate area. Traveling with a lamp is not a fast process. The flame is a low level light and therefore we are not able to see too far ahead of it. I believe this to be one way that God reminds us that we need Him not just every day, but every step of the way and to lean into our faith in Jesus.

When we accept God’s commands and strive to keep them as a part of every step of our lives, we will start to learn and be taught by Him and other followers of Jesus who are further down the road. Teaching is referred to as a light in Proverbs 6:23. This word for light is meant to define the sunlight, which not only allows you to see a path but it allows you to clearly see what is around you and what you’re headed towards.

Man currently has the ability to produce powerful manipulated light through electricity. Although man’s manipulated light may allow you to see more than a lamp it will never compare or out-do the light from the sun. The path that is seen by the lamp is only experienced when we put our faith in Jesus. As we start to listen and accept His teachings we not only see what is on the path we start to see and develop the discipline that keeps on the path.

Pray for God’s word to not only lead you but to build connections with others around you.

Water is the Focus

Have you ever wondered what the focus of your physical body is? Some people might look around and discern the type of clothing brands that people wear, which tends to express something about an individual’s focus, but that wont lead us to an universal intrinsic focus of the human body. But once you remember back to your basic science class you will hopefully be quick to remember that the body is made up of sixty percent water. Which leads us to the designed of our bodies thriving off of water.

Of that sixty percent of water in our bodies according to the European Institute of Hydration, our brain is made up of seventy-five percent water. Scripture tells us to renew our mind in Romans 12:2, the need of water for our body is parallel to our spirit and mind needing Jesus.

Jesus said "that whoever drinks the water that I will give Him will never thirst again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life” John 4:13-14

Check out Ezekiel 47:3-6 and Revelation 22:1-4 and notice the location of the flowing river from God’s throne and sanctuary. Follow that up with the promise and call of Psalm 1:1-3

In your prayers petition to God’s that His knowledge would be your delight.