Growth Through Secrecy

There is a saying we’ve all heard while grow up. When you hear the statement as an adult it might sounds a little backwards. The statement is “secrets don’t make friends”. There’s a lot of adults out there who hold the standard of “if you can’t keep my secrets than we can’t be friends.” Some people may have a hard time flirting with other individuals who are not their spouse, or cheating on their taxes. Regardless what it is we all have thoughts or actions that we’ve committed in secret.

Jesus repeats one statement three times during the sermon on the mount about secrecy and expresses an instruction to us about secrecy. Jesus expressed that God is in secret and sees in secret.

Matthew 6:4, 6 ,17-18

Our relationship with God has a personal element that is only grown through an environment that mirrors secrecy. I say that, because what we find out about God is not kept secret, but what He means to us is personal and important like a secret. So we humbly come to Him wanting gain the knowledge He whispers to those who are willing to listen. Whispers are only heard in quiet secluded places where we can focus on one thing.

When we listen and accept His knowledge, the actions of our life become secret, and we desire to give to others not so that we may be seen, but that God may be seen and we are able to give all glory to Him.