How do you keep the grace of God in front of you?

This is a challenging concept to approach. Without the experience of discipline this concept can seem impossible. The strength and effort that comes out of us is forever distracted or interrupted and many times never strong enough.

Even though the grit and tenacity that people are capable of, there’s still something else that needs to be present.

When joy is a part of our life equation, the motivation of that joy is the key to the focus and effort from our lives.

1 Peter 1:1-7

In the beginning of Peter’s letter to the believers who were displaced to many different regions, he expresses that the desire of his letter is that God would be blessed because of the salvation that is imperishable, undefiled and unfading. His heart felt description of salvation came from knowledge and experience he had with Christ.

Having this motivation of joy will not only get you through challenging times, but it push our focus to what God has promised after this life. This focus is what motivates us to live for God grace with all of our life.