What Does Praising God Do?

Worshiping God is deeper than just singing words of a song that some one wrote. It even comes from a deeper place than reflecting our gratitude of an experiencing with God. The genuine praise of God comes from honoring any possible need or desire we could receive from Him.

Psalm 95 is short yet reflective experience of the Israelites praising God because of the power He displayed to rescue them. He commanded the earth and ruled over the authority that was physically over them.

The actions and mere possession of the power that God holds deserves to be praised. Experiencing it is an amazing and wonderful moment, but what we truly need is to simply know of His power so that our faith in God can become a part of our life.

If we think that experiencing God’s power is all we need to have in order to live by it, than we will be setting ourselves up for the same failure of disbelief, that the Israelites displayed and were punished for. Praising God does more than just acknowledge Him, It feeds our faith in Him.